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The Key Benefits of a SolarEdge Smart Solar System

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What are the Benefits of a SolarEdge System with DC Optimisers?

The key benefits of a SolarEdge System are:

  • Panel level optimisation

  • 99% Inverter Efficiency

  • Positive Power Tolerance

  • World-leading manufacturer

  • System Safety

  • Design Flexibility

  • Smarter System Monitoring

  • Longer Warranties

  • Export Limitation

1. Individual Solar Panel Optimisation

With a standard solar system, because the panels are connected in series the output of each string of panels is restricted to the level of the worst-performing panel.

This can cause reduced output if there is shade, dirt or leaves on a panel, or if one of the panels is underperforming.

With a SolarEdge system, there is a small DC Optimiser that is connected to each panel that helps optimise the performance of each panel. This can help increase your system’s output and hence the savings on your power bills:

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2. Industry Leading Inverter Efficiency

Most string inverters have a maximum efficiency of around 96%. In the real world, we have seen results far lower than this, especially in the summer heat.

SolarEdge inverters have an industry-leading efficiency of 99% thanks to HD Wave technology. This is a huge 33-50% advantage over all other inverters on the market,

Enphase Components

SolarEdge’s HD Wave single-phase inverters are designed using a new power conversion technology. The inverter is able to synthesize a clean sine wave that leads to a dramatic reduction in the magnetics and heavy cooling elements. The result is a smaller and lighter inverter with a record-breaking 99% efficiency.

3. Power Tolerance

Solar panels are manufactured within a power tolerance. Each manufacturer is different, however, the better brands tend to have a 5W range in tolerance. For example, a 405W panel from Q Cells will be anything from 405W up to 410W.

The only way to take advantage of this is to use a system such as SolarEdge or Enphase that features panel-level output, otherwise, you will be outputting power at the rate of the worst performing panel in your array. At best this will be at the panels’ rating, at worst it may be much less.

4. SolarEdge is considered one of the World’s Leading Solar Power Manufacturer

Many manufacturers in the solar industry don’t last as long as their warranties. Have a look at just how many solar panel manufacturers have left Australia:

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This is why it is so important to choose the right inverter and panel manufacturer for your system.

Established in 2006, SolarEdge developed the DC optimised inverter solution that changed the way power is harvested and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems.

The SolarEdge intelligent inverter solution maximises power generation while lowering the cost of energy produced by the solar system for a better return on your investment.

SolarEdge is the largest manufacturer of DC optimised systems globally and is one of the leading players in the world’s biggest solar markets. Known for making solar power smarter and safer, a solar system powered by SolarEdge is a smart choice for your home.

5. System Safety

Fire is becoming an increasingly common issue associated with standard solar technology. With a ‘string’ inverter, high voltage DC power runs from the panels down to a central inverter, which is typically installed near the meter board. Any small fault in the wiring, a connection, or with the DC isolator switches can cause an arc fault where the power jumps across the loose connection. In many cases, this can lead to a fire that can then spread into the home.

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Safer Solar has been mandated in many countries now including the USA, however, in Australia it is still possible to install a string inverter. Except in extreme circumstances, 1KOMMA5° recommends Safer Solar Systems for all of our customers, which will involve buying either a SolarEdge or Enphase system.

SolarEdge systems feature increased safety, minimising both fire risk and electrocution risk:

  • Whenever AC power in the home is off, the SolarEdge DC wires are automatically de-energised to 1V. Power optimisers shut down the DC voltage in the PV wires to protect installers, maintenance personnel, and firefighters.

  • SolarEdge inverters also have built-in protection designed to mitigate the effects of some arcing faults that may pose a risk of fire.

Alternatively, an Enphase system uses a small inverter underneath each panel called a ‘microinverter’ so that the more-dangerous DC power is converted to AC immediately underneath each panel. This also helps control the voltage as the panels aren’t strung together like in other systems.

Because both SolarEdge and Enphase systems are able to be shut down immediately in the case of an issue with the power grid, they are much safer when something goes wrong, whether it is a mouse chewing through a cable or a grid-down situation.

6. Design Flexibility

If you have a tricky roof, an Enphase system will normally be the preferred option, however, in cases where there is a little bit of patchy shade, a SolarEdge system will have an advantage over a standard string inverter system.

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7. SolarEdge Monitoring

SolarEdge comes with its own monitoring platform. This means you can access your solar system’s performance in real-time. This includes your system’s financial performance.

Furthermore, you will also receive automatic system alerts, which can help you and your installer troubleshoot remotely. This monitoring platform is free to use for 25 years.

SolarEdge has consumption monitoring available through a smart meter, however, the smart meter isn’t always included as standard, especially on smaller systems. If consumption monitoring is something that you want to be included, be sure to mention it when getting a quote for installation.

SolarEdge also has panel-level monitoring available as an upgrade. This is done directly through SolarQuotes after the installation and costs about $300.

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8. Longer Warranties

Most string inverters have a 5-year warranty, and the cheaper ones are notorious for breaking well within their expected 12-year lifecycle.

SolarEdge inverters have a 12-year warranty but are also built to last a lot longer. The HD Wave technology not only increases the efficiency of the inverter, it is also designed to create much less wear and tear on the inverter, which on average means it will last a lot longer than a standard inverter.

The DC Optimisers come with a 25-year warranty, which is designed to match the expected life of the panels.

Enphase Components

9. Export Limitation Allows For Larger Systems On A Single-Phase Home

Revolutionary technology from SolarEdge has completely changed the game for single-phase houses in NSW. Up until recently, it was only possible to install up to 6.6kWs on a single-phase home, however, thanks to ‘export limitation’ we are now able to use the SolarEdge 8.25kW or 10kW inverter on a house with single-phase power and then limit the amount of excess solar power that is sent out to the grid.

This allows us to install larger systems on single-phase homes.

Limiting the amount of excess solar power does not have an impact on the amount of solar power fed into the home. This allows you to have the full benefit of a larger system, and then any excess solar power that you send out to the grid is limited to 5kWs.

Most homeowners are now looking at battery storage to further increase the benefit of their system by storing any excess solar power to then use when needed, such as in the evening or on rainy days. This means that very little excess solar power is exported to the grid, maximising the benefit of a larger system.

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