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Stay Warm and Save Costs with Energy-Efficient Heat Pumps

Your heat pump allows you to heat in a climate neutral way by absorbing ambient energy and concentrating it so that you can heat your home. With a heat pump from 1KOMMA5°, you also benefit from our Heartbeat energy manager, which combines your heat pump with your solar system and can intelligently control e.g. the hot water tank, allowing you to integrate weather data into your heating plan.


6 Reasons to Get a Heat Pump for Your Home

1. Reduced Energy Costs

Heat pumps are highly energy efficient and can reduce your energy bills significantly compared to traditional heating systems.

2. Increased Home Quality

A heat pump is a valuable investment that not only saves energy and money, but also increases the value of your property. Here are some reasons why a heat pump will add value to your property:

  • Efficiency: A modern heat pump works very efficiently and lowers your energy costs. This is an important factor for potential buyers who value energy efficiency in their future home.

  • Sustainability: A heat pump uses natural resources such as heat from the ground or energy from the air to heat your home. This shows that you are committed to climate protection and a sustainable lifestyle.

  • Reliability: Heat pumps are durable and require little maintenance. They only need an occasional check-up, which makes them a reliable and long-lasting solution for your heating.

  • Modernity: A heat pump is a modern device that shows that your home is up to date and meets the highest standards of comfort and technology.

Overall, a heat pump can help to increase the value of your property. Such an investment is therefore not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet.

3. Environmentally Friendly

A heat pump uses ambient energy (energy from the environment. Such as air, water or geothermal heat) to heat the house.Compared to conventional heating systems, which often burn fossil fuels, such as oil and gas, a heat pump causes about 90% less CO2 emissions. Moreover, the energy source - ambient energy (from the environment) - is inexhaustible and always available. This makes the heat pump a very efficient and sustainable alternative for you.

In addition, a heat pump is also a long-lasting investment. With a lifetime of up to 25 years and low maintenance costs, you can enjoy the benefits for years to come.

In summary, a heat pump is sustainable because it is based on renewable energy sources and produces significantly less CO2 emissions than conventional heating systems. Invest in a heat pump now and do something good for climate protection!

4. Independence from Fossil Fuels

With a heat pump, you are no longer dependent on rising energy prices. Because your heat pump uses the free and inexhaustible energy source of ambient energy. So you save costs in the long term and have an efficient and sustainable heating source at the same time.

The dependency on oil and gas is growing and prices continue to rise. With your heat pump, you can free yourself from this dependence and rely on renewable energy sources.

Combining your heat pump with your solar system gives you even more independence and energy efficiency. Your solar system generates electricity from solar energy and your heat pump uses this electricity to generate heat.

5. Storage Options through Energy Management

With our Heartbeat energy manager, you can enable your heat pump to save energy and money intelligently, in addition to the electricity storage, by storing surplus solar electricity in the form of heat in your hot water storage and making it usable.

6. Long Life Span

A heat pump is a future-proof investment for your heating. It is energy efficient and uses energy from the environment to heat your home. By combining it with a solar system, you can even get the electricity for the heat pump from the sun for free.

With our smart energy manager Heartbeat, you can optimise the efficiency of your heat pump even further. Heartbeat networks all your energy solutions together, reacts to weather forecasts and can access the current electricity prices on the electricity exchange. This means that Heartbeat can control your heat pump when there is sufficient solar power available or when the electricity from the grid is particularly cheap.

This means that you are future-proof and can network your home with all our customers to form a virtual power plant.

But not only that, a heat pump is also low-maintenance. Here are some reasons why a heat pump is particularly low-maintenance:

Durable components: The components of a heat pump are high quality and durable, which means they require less maintenance.

Efficient design: The heat pump is designed to work as efficiently as possible, which helps it require less maintenance.

Self-diagnostic capability: Some heat pumps are designed to detect and self-diagnose problems, which means you need less maintenance.

Step 1

We advise you personally.

Our energy advisors will create an individual offer based on your data. We will explain everything about subsidies, energy management and your individual energy solution.

Step 2

We install your heat pump.

If you are satisfied with the planning of your energy system, we will arrange an installation date after conclusion of the contract, at which time our team will install and commission everything on your premises.

Step 3

We stay by your side.

Even after installation, we remain your long-term partner. Whether you have questions about energy, warranty issues or service, we want to be your contact for the expansion of your energy system with an energy storage or wallbox.


Join the 1KOMMA5° Movement

Take the lead in climate protection - hear from our customers on how they are making a difference.

We decided to go solar for several reasons: for ecological reasons, for political reasons, to be more independent and to please our children.
Zilian Family
I already knew the Göttingen location before it became part of the 1KOMMA5° Group. The team from Göttingen then informed and advised us, so that we decided on a solar system from 1KOMMA5°.
Sybille Fichte
I heard about 1KOMMA5° through a neighbour and in fact another neighbour has now also opted for 1KOMMA5° as a result of the installation at my house.
Dr. Josef Frasunek
We wanted to become more independent. Also from the electricity market. We asked various suppliers and 1KOMMA5° was able to deliver the fastest.
Mecke Family
That was an investment in the future! I want to produce free electricity on my own roof.
Guido Kahlmeyer
I would recommend my friends to think about environmental protection: What can I do personally? For example, buy a photovoltaic system. That way I'm doing something for the environment.
Wolfgang Krien

Why 1KOMMA5° is Your Perfect Match for Carbon-Neutral Technologies

The 1KOMMA5° Group is an up-and-coming company for the installation of carbon-neutral energy systems for private customers, especially for solar power systems, heat pumps, energy storage, wallboxes and smart energy management - and we continue to grow, also in Europe and worldwide. Get your own quote today!

All-In-One Service

Advice, planning, installation, service & electricity contract - we are at your disposal for a smooth process.

No Long Waiting Times

Our efficient processes and dedicated employees keep waiting times short for customers to benefit from solar energy.


Transform your home into a virtual power plant with our energy manager Heartbeat. Connect to a worldwide network and save money. Secure with up to 25 years of warranty.

75 Locations

The 1KOMMA5° Group operates in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain and Australia, with plans to expand locations nationally and across Europe.

2.000 Climate Experts

Our teams provide expert advice and project implementation for customers to develop the ideal energy system.

100.000 Happy Clients

Our teams' expertise and years of experience have allowed us to install many systems and optimise processes for a secure future.

Energymanager Heartbeat App on an iPad

Connect your Heat Pump with our Energy Management and benefit from the New Energy Market

Our smart energy manager Heartbeat optimises electricity consumption in homes, saving up to 10%. With intelligent procurement and real-time tracking through the Heartbeat app, save up to 700€ with the Heartbeat Bundle.

Energy Solutions

Our Solutions for Your Carbon-Neutral Life

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Energy Storage

Take control of your energy independency

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solar power systems

Unlock the power of the sun and reduce your energy costs

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Charge your electric car with the power of the sun


Get a heat pump with our smart energy manager Heartbeat now.

We look forward to your project. With our nationwide network of electricians, you can quickly get to work. Together we will develop your plan for carbon neutrality in your home.

FAQ Heat Pumps

Any Questions?

How does a heat pump work?

A heat pump works by absorbing heat from the outside air or ground and transferring it into the home. In the summer, it operates in reverse to transfer heat out of the home and into the outside air or ground.

Are heat pumps expensive?

Heat pumps can be expensive to install, but they are generally considered to be more cost-effective in the long run due to their energy efficiency and lower operating costs.

Is it possible to add a heat pump to an existing heating system?

Yes, a heat pump can be added to an existing heating system, but it is important to have a professional assess the compatibility and make any necessary modifications.

What are the different types of heat pumps available?

The most common types of heat pumps are air-source heat pumps and ground-source (geothermal) heat pumps. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and location.

Can I install a heat pump myself?

No, it is recommended to have a professional install your heat pump to ensure proper installation and functioning.